Formatting Parameters

Formatting API response data

We have a few URL parameters to help format the API response data. URL parameters are appended to the URL where the first parameter is preceded with "?" and subsequent parameters are preceded with "&". Here is an example:

You can see ?pretty is the first parameter, and &as= is the second with a value of priced. If you remove the URL parameters the formatting reverts to a less structured state.

URL ParameterValues
prettyno value
Returns an easily readable JSON format
This encodes all numbers returned from our API as strings.

This downloads rates as CSV file.

Rates Formatting

When fetching current rates there are also additional formatting parameters available.


The ordering of the trade pair in the key represents the direction of an exchange. For example, BTCUSD is the rate used for BTC into USD conversions (e.g. the sell rate). On the other hand, converting USD into BTC (the buy rate) would use the opposite rate under USDBTC.

Rates ParameterValue
Source amount / rate = destination amount (default)

Source amount * rate = destination amount

Shows both divisor and multiplier values

You can also view the rates in different formats according to your preference:

Examples - source amount / rate = destination amount (default) - source amount * rate = destination amount - shows both divisor and multiplier values - downloads rates as CSV file
For example, if 1 BTC is selling at 9000 USD, USDBTC will be 9000 in the divisor view and (1/9000) in the multiplier view.

Pagination Parameters

We split our tabular data into pages of 25 items. You can apply the parameters below to any request for tabular to adjust the pagination.

offset How many items are skipped before the first item that is shown (default: 0).
limit Number of items returned per page (default: 25).
from The lower bound of a creation time filter for the displayed items. Formatted in millisecond Epoch format. (default: 0)
to The upper bound of a creation time filter for the displayed items. Formatted in millisecond Epoch format. (default: current time)

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