Production/Test Environments

We have two environments, testwyre for API integration testing and sendwyre, our production environment. The test environment also uses the same live exchange rates as our production environment.

Creating a Testwyre Dashboard Account

Get started by creating an account on the testwyre dashboard. This functions as your business' master account on Wyre. The API keys generated in the dashboard will provide access to all of the APIs available.

  • Only business accounts can be created.
  • The business phone number and email address must be real for account verification.
  • Uploaded business documents can consist of dummy data for the test environment account.
  • Dashboard accounts are auto-approved after all information has been provided.

Creating Testwyre Subaccounts via API

Create Account

  • Only accounts for individuals can be created.
  • The individual phone number and email address can consist of dummy data.
  • Uploaded individual documents can consist of dummy data for the test environment account.
  • API generated subaccounts must be manually approved if account data fields are missing.

Testnet Blockchains

Bitcoin Test Environment

Please note that our test environment is live on TestNet3 for BTC. You may visit the BTC Testnet Faucet for Testnet BTC funds. Funds will settle after a transaction receives 1 confirmation on the network.

Ethereum Test Environment

The test environment for ETH is Kovan. For ETH Testnet funds, you may use the ETH Testnet Faucet. You may also explore transactions with the Ethereum Testnest Block Explorer. Funds will be deposited into your account after 10 confirmations on the network.

Avalanche Test Environment

The test environment for AVAX is Fuji. For AVAX Testnet funds, please visit the AVAX Testnet Faucet.

Plaid Sandbox

When prompted with the Plaid widget for bank login in the test environment, the system will recognize the following values:


Transaction Processing


Blockchain transactions will perform as expected in the testwyre environment. Testnet tokens are passed between accounts and can be loaded via faucets.


All fiat transfers are simulated in testwyre. You can create a fiat balance by depositing testnet crypto and converting to fiat funds via a transfer. It is also not possible to fully test fiat payouts to connected banks. Partners can set up the proper api calls to perform fiat transfers, but will need to switch to production in order to fully test the functionality and error handling for live fiat on and off-ramping.