Wallet Order Creation Exceptions are thrown at the time of order creation because of an issue with the request.
Exceptions follow the API error format:
"language": "en",
"exceptionId": "TLFN89",
"errorCode": "validation.unsupportedCardType.credit",
"message": "Credit cards are not supported",
"type": "ValidationException",
"transient": false
A list of errors can be found below. Error type ValidationException
will return an HTTP Status Code of 400. Learn more about Errors.
Type | Error Code | Message | Notes |
ValidationException | validation.unsupportedCardType.credit | Credit cards are not supported | |
ValidationException | validation.unsupportedCardType.prepaid | PrePaid cards are not supported | |
ValidationException | validation.avs | We are not able to use this card. | General card validation failure, further details on why the card doesn’t work are unavailable. |
ValidationException | validation.avs.invalidBillingAddress | Invalid billing address | |
ValidationException | validation.avs.incorrectBillingAddress | Invalid billing address. Your address is incorrect | |
ValidationException | validation.avs.zipcode | Invalid billing address. Zip code is incorrect | |
ValidationException | validation.avs.unavailable | Invalid billing address. We were not able to validate your address. Try again later. | If our address validation service is unavailable the user will have to try the transaction later |
ValidationException | validation.invalidReferrerId | Invalid referrerAccountId | |
ValidationException | validation.phoneNumRequiresCountryCode | Please include your country code preceded by a "+" with your phone number | |
ValidationException | validation.unsupportedCountry | Country not supported: “XX” | XX is country code submitted by user |
ValidationException | validation.invalidUsState | Invalid US state submitted | |
ValidationException | validation.missingAddressState | Address state must not be empty | |
ValidationException | validation.missingGivenName | givenName must not be empty | |
ValidationException | validation.missingFamilyName | familyName must not be empty | |
ValidationException | limits.dailyLimitReached | You reached your daily limit. | |
ValidationException | limits.weeklyLimitReached | You reached your weekly limit. | |
ValidationException | limits.yearlyLimitReached | You reached your yearly limit | |
ValidationException | validation .invalidPhoneNumber | You did not specify a valid E164 Phone number. Phone numbers must follow the International E.164 format. | |
ValidationException | validation.missingAddressCity | City is mandatory | |
ValidationException | validation.stateNotSupported | If you specify a non supported US state. More info here. | |
ApiException | n/a | n/a | If there is an unhandled error by the API it will appear as an ApiException without an error code or message |
ValidationException | hostedCheckout.illegalReferrer | invalid referrer account id for hosted checkout referrer | |
ValidationException | hostedCheckout.featureNotEnabled | feature not enabled for this account id | |
ValidationException | reservation.requiredFieldValueMismatch | a reservation locked field value did not match the received value | |
ValidationException | reservation.requiredFieldEmpty | a reservation required field is empty (required values cannot be empty) | |
ValidationException | reservation.lockEmptyField | a reservation locked field is empty (locked fields cannot be empty and must match) | |
ValidationException | reservation.invalidLockedField | locked field is invalid | |
ValidationException | validation.sourceCurrencyNotSupported | the specified sourceCurrency is not supported | |
ValidationException | validation.missingGivenName | givenName is not present | |
ValidationException | validation.missingFamilyName | familyName is not present | |
ValidationException | validation.missingAddressStreet1 | missing street1 on address field | |
ValidationException | validation.missingAddressState | missing state on address field | |
ValidationException | validation.missingAddressCity | missing city on address field | |
ValidationException | validation.missingAddressState | missing state on address field | |
ValidationException | validation.amountSourceCurrency | if amount or source currency are locked, you must lock both (amount and sourceCurrency) | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidPaymentMethod | invalid payment method provided (apple-pay or debit-card are the accepted values) | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidRedirectUrl | redirectUrl is not valid (must be a full http url with protocol) | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidFailureRedirectUrl | failureRedirectUrl is not valid (must be a full http url with protocol) | |
ValidationException | validation.referrerAccountId | invalid referrer account id for hosted checkout referrer | |
ValidationException | validation.lockCountry | invalid locked country (if any of phone or country are locked, you must lock both) | |
ValidationException | validation.countryMissing | missing locked field country | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidPhoneNumber | invalid phone number (phones must be in e.164 format with country code) | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidEmail | invalid email | |
ValidationException | debitCardWhiteLabel.illegalReferrer | illegal referrer | |
ValidationException | debitCardWhiteLabel.featureNotEnabled | feature to debit card not enabled for the current authentication | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidCode | invalid authorization code | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidReservation | invalid reservation | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidCodeLength | invalid authorization code length | |
ValidationException | validation.orderNotFound | order not found | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidOrderStatus | invalid order status. Order cannot be authorized at the moment. | |
ValidationException | validation.authorizationCodeNotFound | Authorization codes not found | |
ValidationException | validation.authorizationInvalidReservation | invalid reservation id while authorizing the order | |
ValidationException | validation.authorizationMaxAttempts | max attempts to authorize an order | |
ValidationException | validation.authorizationAlreadyValidated | authorization code already validated for the current order | |
ValidationException | validation.authorizationInvalidState | invalid authorization state | |
ValidationException | validation.authorizationCodeExpired | authorization expired | |
ValidationException | validation.authorizationCodeMismatch | authorization code mismatch | |
ValidationException | validation.orderAuthorizationDetailsNotAvailable | auth details not available. This usually happens | |
ValidationException | validation.cardExpirationYear | card expiration year invalid | |
ValidationException | validation.cardExpirationMonth | card expiration month invalid | |
ValidationException | validation.cardExpirationMonthOutOfRange | card expiration month must be from 01-12 range. | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidExpirationDate | invalid expiration date, usually in the past | |
ValidationException | validation.invalidDebitCardNumber | invalid debit card number | |
ValidationException | validation.walletOrderAuthorizationCodeMissing | authorization request without a auth code on it |
Wallet Order Errors
Error messages are failures that happen after the order has been created. These errors will show up over 3 fields on the wallet order:
A full list of errors can be found below:
errorCategory | errorCode | errorMessage | Notes |
GENERAL | UNSUPPORTED_COUNTRY | We do not support this country. | |
GENERAL | UNSUPPORTED_STATE | We do not support this state at this time but hope to soon. | |
GENERAL | UNABLE_TO_PROCESS | Sorry, but we are unable to process your order at this time. | |
GENERAL | SMS_CONFIRMATION_FAILED | SMS confirmation failed | For debit card tx only |
GENERAL | PHONE_NUMBER_MUST_BE_MOBILE | Only mobile cellphone numbers are supported. | |
GENERAL | TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT | Transaction timed out, please try again. | |
GENERAL | UNKNOWN_ERROR | We are unable to process your order at this time. | |
PAYMENT | ISO_8583_XX | See ISO 8583 error message list -> | XX replaced by ISO 8583 code. See full list here: https://developers.google.com/standard-payments/v1/fops/card/response-codes |
PAYMENT | BILLING_ADDRESS_MISMATCH | Billing address error, please check your info and try again. | |
PAYMENT | UNKNOWN_ERROR | Issue with payment, please check your info and try again | |
RATE_LIMIT | EXCEEDED_DAILY_LIMIT | Transaction limit exceeded, please try again later. | |
RATE_LIMIT | EXCEEDED_WEEKLY_LIMIT | Transaction limit exceeded, please try again later. | |
RATE_LIMIT | EXCEEDED_YEARLY_LIMIT | Transaction limit exceeded, please try again later. | |
RATE_LIMIT | ORDER_AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH | Transaction amount too high, please try a smaller amount. |