We offer an exchange rates endpoint which provides the current Wyre brokering rate. This is approximately the exchange rate that will be used for any relatively small exchange through our platform (larger exchanges may give different rates depending on market depth). It is a good way to track the Wyre exchange rates over time.
The ordering of the trade pair in the key represents the direction of an exchange. For example, CADUSD
is the rate used for CAD into USD conversions (e.g. the sell rate). On the other hand, converting USD into CAD (the buy rate) would use the opposite rate under USDCAD
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Rate Format
DIVISOR (default) | Exchange rate as a single number:starting total / rate = result total |
MULTIPLIER | Exchange rate as a single number:starting total * rate = result total |
PRICED | Exchange rate as multiplier and divisor, keyed on exchange rate units ("price in").json { "USDBTC" : { "USD" : 3601.86255, "BTC" : 0.0002776341368162 } } |