Payment Method Overview

Outline of different payment types you can do from Wyre


Payment Method APIs still on v2

Please note that we are currently working on upgrading out Payment Method APIs. The APIs laid out in this document still have API v2 URLs. Our new APIs will include the functionality outlined here as well as additional functionality.

Payment Method resources are generic resources that represent a payment method connected to the financial system.

A Payment Method, as returned by the Wyre, looks like this:

    "id": "PA-W7YN28ABCHT",
    "owner": "account:AC-XX38VYXUA84",
    "createdAt": 1542771684392,
    "name": "Plaid Checking 0000",
    "defaultCurrency": "USD",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "waitingPrompts": [],
    "linkType": "LOCAL_TRANSFER",
    "beneficiaryType": "UNKNOWN",
    "supportsDeposit": true,
    "nameOnMethod": null,
    "last4Digits": "0000",
    "brand": null,
    "expirationDisplay": null,
    "countryCode": "US",
    "nickname": null,
    "rejectionMessage": null,
    "disabled": false,
    "supportsPayment": true,
    "chargeableCurrencies": [
    "depositableCurrencies": [
    "chargeFeeSchedule": null,
    "depositFeeSchedule": null,
    "minCharge": null,
    "maxCharge": null,
    "minDeposit": null,
    "maxDeposit": null,
    "documents": [],
    "srn": "paymentmethod:PA-W7YN28ABCHT",
  	"blockchains": {
      "BTC": "1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2",
      "ETH": "0x32Be343B94f860124dC4fEe278FDCBD38C102D88"

Blockchain Attachment & Liquidation

The blockchains node as shown above, is made available by Attaching Blockchain to Payment Method.

Payment methods may be connected to any of blockchains we support. This means that any transactions in supported currencies sent to that address will have their totals converted and liquidated to the payment method.

You may attach blockchain when creating payment methods by supplying a request parameter attachBlockchains as an array of currencies, or ALL for all presently available.

You may also attach the blockchains to existing payment methods with this endpoint.

"blockchains": {
      "BTC": "1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2",
      "ETH": "0x32Be343B94f860124dC4fEe278FDCBD38C102D88"

Payment Method Statuses

PENDINGPayment Method has not been activated and is PENDING review on Wyre's side. No user action is required.
AWAITING_FOLLOWUPPayment Method requires additional information from the user before being useful. The case where you would see this is on WIRE_TRANSFER payment methods when the bank statement is still required.
ACTIVEPayment Method is active and ready for use.
REJECTEDPayment Method has been rejected by Wyre and cannot be used.

Payment Method Types

For some more information on the differences between different types of Payment Methods check out Payment Method Types

TypeLinkType valueDescription
LOCAL_TRANSFERLOCAL_TRANSFERTransfer using the local banking system. In the case of US, this would be an ACH payment.

Lifecycle and Exceptions

There are four edge cases that would trigger a user into a non approved state after submitting KYC information and connecting a bank account.

  1. A user needs to re-submit a piece of initial account information.
  2. User needs to re-submit an ID image
  3. A user needs to submit a Proof of Address
  4. A user needs to submit an ACH authorization form.

Balance Requirements

Wyre requires that the bank account of the user has a remaining balance of at least $150 after their transfer from the bank to Wyre is executed.

Example - If you want to transfer $20 from a user's bank account into Wyre, the user will need to have at least $170 in the bank account prior to the transfer.

ACH Funds Delivery Timeline

ACH transfers should be delivered 5 business days after the date of initiation. The expected delivery date of funds can be impacted due to bank holidays and weekends.


1. A user needs to re-submit a piece of initial account information.

This typically happens when a user submit KYC information during the account creation stage and his/her information doesn't match up with the ID that was submitted, incorrect/invalid info provided, such as incorrect DOB, invalid address, misspelled legal name, or SSN/ITIN is needed. An email will be send to the user, and then the user can log into the dashboard and submit the correct information.

On the API level, after a user submits data, the status of each fieldId in the response object from the get_account endpoint returns back a PENDING status for whichever fieldId that corresponds to the incorrectly input KYC data point.

  "id" : "AC-U4BWHGZDG6W",
	"profileFields" : [ {
    "fieldId" : "individualSsn",
    "fieldType" : "STRING",
    "value" : null,
    "note" : "Please provide a valid social security number.",
    "status" : "OPEN"
  }, {

There could be different notes for different user actions based on each KYC data point.

2. User needs to re-submit an ID image

This typically happens when a user submits an ID that:

  • isn't legible, blurry image
  • pictures doesn't encapsulate the entire image, all four corners are not showing
  • Image doesn't match with the correct initial account KYC data

The user will then get an email to upload a new image to the dashboard.

On the API level, the key/value "fieldId":"individualGovernmentId" will go from PENDING after an image is submitted, back to OPEN if the image is rejected.

  "id" : "AC-U4BWHGZDG6W",
	"profileFields" : [ {
    "fieldId" : "individualGovernmentId",
    "fieldType" : "DOCUMENT",
    "value" : ["DO_B9QJCMN2QBB"],
    "note" : "Document is expired",
    "status" : "OPEN"
  }, {

It's important to look at the note section of the server response object. The note will give context as to why an image will not work. Other notes include:

  • Identification needs to be in full color
  • Identification is blurry/hard to read
  • Document must include all four corners
  • Please submit a passport, driver's license or govt. issued identification document
  • Identification document is not supported

3. A user needs to submit a Proof of Address

This typically happens when a user submits an ID and inputs KYC address data that doesn't match. A proof of address document such as a:

  • Utility Bill
  • Bank Statement

On the API level, the key/value "fieldId":"individualGovernmentId" will go from PENDING after an image is submitted, back to OPEN if the image is rejected.

  "id" : "AC-U4BWHGZDG6W",
	"profileFields" : [{
   "fieldId": "individualGovernmentId"
    "fieldType": "DOCUMENT",
    "value": [DO_B9QJCMN2QB9],
    "note": "Document must include all four corners",
    "status": "OPEN"
 	}, {

It's important to look at the note section of the server response object. The note will give context as to why an image will not work. Other notes include:

  • Please provide a translated copy of this document
  • Utility Bill does not match profile address
  • Bank Statement does not match profile address
  • Please provide utility bill that matches profile address
  • Please provide all pages of Bank statement for verification

4. A user needs to submit an ACH authorization form.

This typically happens when a user submits an ID, inputs KYC data, uploads a bank account payment method and data doesn't match. Examples include:

  1. Does not match the registered legal name
  2. Does not match the registered email
  3. Does not match the registered phone number
  4. Does not match the registered address nor have a valid proof of address on file
  5. Does not have transaction posted in transaction history
  6. Does not have a sufficient balance to cover the transaction

Submitting documentation via

This will trigger the event of sending an email out to a users.
After clicking the link in the email, users will be taken to and will immediately be shown the following prompt.


You'll then need to upload a picture of your face next to a piece of paper with the following written down:


Once submitted, our team will review and process the information.

Submitting documentation via the WYRE API

If an account goes into a status that needs an authorization form, Partners have an option of sending the authorization form via the endpoint below.

The response to the account and paymentMethod endpoints will update accordingly during the following states when collecting the ACH form. The account endpoint response will only update if the payment method is the individual source of funds.

When an ACH form has been initially been requested:

//GET /accounts/:accountId

  	fieldId: "individualSourceOfFunds",
    fieldType: "PAYMENT_METHOD",
    value: "PM_XXXXX",
    note: "Additional information is required.",
    status: "OPEN"

// GET /paymethMethod/PM_XXXXX

    status: "AWAITING_FOLLOWUP",
    waitingPrompts: [{
    	id: "ACH_FORM"
      prompt: "Please upload a picture of yourself with the following written down on a piece of paper next to your face: `Wyre`, today's date, the last 4 digits of your bank account number and your signature.",
  		type: "DOCUMENT"

When an ACH form has been submitted through the upload document for payment method endpoint and is in review:

//GET /accounts/:accountId
    fieldId: "individualSourceOfFunds",
    fieldType: "PAYMENT_METHOD",
    value: "PM_XXXXX",
    note: "Payment method is under review.",
    status: "PENDING"
// GET /paymethMethod/PM_XXXXX
    status: "AWAITING_FOLLOWUP",
    waitingPrompts: []

When an ACH form has been submitted through the upload documents for payment method endpoint and has been approved:

//GET /accounts/:accountId

  	fieldId: "individualSourceOfFunds",
    fieldType: "PAYMENT_METHOD",
    value: "PM_XXXXX",
    note: null,
    status: "APPROVED"

// GET /paymethMethod/PM_XXXXX
    status: "APPROVED",
    waitingPrompts: []