Wallet Overview

Learn about wallets on Wyre

Wallets are used to hold cryptocurrency funds on the Wyre platform. White label wallets are spun up on demand via the Create Wallet endpoint.

1. Creating a Wallet

The Create Wallet endpoint has a name parameter which allows you to attach a unique identifier to the wallet, perhaps a user id generated by your app/platform.

The type parameter allows you to determine the type of wallet you are creating, DEFAULT, ENTERPRISE or SAVINGS. When creating a wallet for SAVINGS, please follow the instructions: Creating Savings Accounts.

Wallets are attached to your to your Wyre business account at the platform level and you operate them on behalf of your users via the Transfers endpoint.

2. Transferring Between Wallets

The Transfers endpoint facilitates movement of cryptocurrency between Wyre wallets and crypto wallets external to Wyre.


Transfers and SRNs

In this example, a user creates a transfer from their Wyre wallet to another Wyre wallet on the same platform. The specific wallet is determined by the selected destination currency i.e. "BTC" will deliver Bitcoin to the destination wallet's Bitcoin address. Notice the wallet: prefix concatenated to the wallet id. These SRN prefixes are necessary.


A user could also create a transfer from their Wyre wallet to another external crypto wallet, like below. Notice the bitcoin: prefix concatenated to the Bitcoin address. These SRN prefixes are necessary.


To see the full list of required parameters for a transfer click here.