ACH - Create Payment Method

Create an ACH Payment Method


Using the publicToken

The publicToken expects a new Plaid Public Token with each request. You can generate a new Plaid token by using the Plaid ACH Widget.

Please refer to the Payment Method Resources page for more information on payment methods.

When you create a Payment Method using this API it will return with a status of PENDING. The Payment Method must be approved before it can be used. Once approved, the Payment Method will transition from PENDING to ACTIVE

Using The LOCAL_TRANSFER Payment Method as a Transfer source

When using the Payment Method as the source of a Transfer you will need to use the SRN with the suffix :ach. This will tell our system to route the transaction to the ACH network.

For example, to use the above payment method you would make a request that looks like:

  "source": "paymentmethod:PA-W7YN28ABCHT:ach",
  "dest": "account:AC-XX38VYXUA84",
  "sourceAmount": "100"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!